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When I came up with my signature eyeshadow class; Eyes in 5… the idea was that anyone has the ability to create endless eyeshadow looks using palettes they already have, but often under utilize. The ‘overwhelm’ often stops us from trying new colors because we just don’t know how to start. So to take some of the guess work out, I came up with a 5-step process… but the combinations you choose within those 5 steps are unlimited! Ready to see how it works? Let’s go! [video here]

Here’s your cheat sheet: (do me a favor and save them to your pinterest board so that we can spread the love!)

EYES IN 5 STEP 1.jpg
EYES IN 5- STEP 2 & 3.jpg
EYES IN 5- STEP 4.jpg
EYES IN 5- STEP 5.jpg

This is just the basic starting point that should really help you start to find your own signature looks. But if you are wanting more instruction and a few more advanced ideas be sure you keep and eye out for my next virtual class happening in April. Date will be announced soon over on my IG, so be sure you’re following me there. And if you need a new palette to get creative with be sure you check out these beauties from BHCosmetics that are all under $20 down below.

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