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WE MADE IT TO 2020! Can I get a hallelujah amen for that in and of itself! I love a fresh new year, although January seems to last about 50 days, not 30… This year however I feel so excited about the possibilities and have so much to look forward to. My to-do list is long, but I am not going to let that get me down.

If you joined along and watched my #24daysofsnoop series over on IG, let me first say thank you! It is the funnest most challenging series I do each year because it stretched my creativity and my skills. Getting on camera EVERY DAY for 24 days straight is a labor of love, but I honestly do love it!

As promised here is a rundown of every color we used from the NYX advent calendar. I’ve starred my top picks, but honestly they were all beautiful and wearable this year… although I know you were all mad I didn’t have to rock any black lipstick this year! If you missed any of the days or want to see the entire look being created, as well as get ‘swipe up’ links to all the other products I’m wearing, you can find all 24 days saved to my highlight bubbles over on my instagram profile.

Thank you again for another amazing year, I can’t wait to grow and learn with you in 2020. xo

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NYX Lip Colors

Row 1: Eden // Soft Spoken // She Devil // Push Up // Paris // Seashell

Row 2: Berry Strudel // Creme Brûlée // Up the Bass // Corset // Sao Paulo // Indie Flick

Row 3: Vintage // RootBeer Float // Raspberry Tart // Embellishment // Russian Roulette // StoneFox

Row 4: Copenhagen // Shocking Pink // Exotic // Tres Leches // Sugar Cookie // Ripe Berry

The Entire Lippie Countdown- Now on Sale! 

Liquid Suede Vault- Now on Sale!

December was such a fun month- but if you followed along during my #LippieCountdown series on instagram, you know that MY December was also very colorful! I loved the challenge of wearing a new (and surprise) color every day- it stretched my creativity and forced me to try new colors I might have never reached for on my own. I hope that you'll be inspired to think outside of the box, and switch up your own makeup looks... a perfect New Years resolution! Here you'll find a list of every color worn, as well as all the other makeup I used during the challenge. I hope this post will serve as a great reference for you to come back to when you are makeup shopping. 

Other Featured Makeup in my mini tutorials during the Lippie Countdown





Eye Liners

Lip Liner


Eye Palettes

Cream Eye Shadows




Setting Spray

Self Tan

Tools & Brushes